Thursday, July 10, 2014

Pick Me Ups- Inspiration

So there is this thing called Pinterest! 
Haha I know we all know about it, get sucked in, and spend hours pinning random inspirational things. 
Today I thought I would share a few off my "Pick Me Ups" board.
This board holds a lot...
Things that make me happy
Things that inspire me
Things that I need to remember
and Things that make me think.

These are a few of the ones that keep me in check and hopefully help me remember to be a better person!

The last one is a hard one for me. 
Im slowly learning with age and with building my own little family, that happiness is a choice. That only you have control over it. Do what makes you happy and what's good for you and your little family. 
Be you and Be Happy!



  1. I always love seeing posts like this - little pick-me-ups! Always a great reminder to find happiness in the little things

    Alycia//Crazily Normal
