Monday, April 6, 2015

Easter Weekend

First I hope everyone had the best weekend!
Our Sunday started with Bunny Butts for breakfast! We ll lets just say thats never happening again!
This mama has tried many a time to make cute little meals and not a one has either kid eaten them. This one they just ate the strawberries and stirred the yogurt with a bunny foot!

Every holiday is 100 times better with kids!! I cant imagine what I would be doing without them!
Little miss went straight for the shoes and in true boy fashion little man dumped out the whole basket.

The bunny hid a bunch of eggs in the yard and even snuck into the garden for a favorite treat of his own! Watching these kidos chase down for those candy filled eggs was too fun!

We ended the day at my sisters for a late lunch and some more egg hunting, only these eggs were hard boiled... lets just say we were not easy on them.