Monday, June 8, 2015

Life Lately

With Instagram being such a great way to share life's little tidbits and highlight our family's days, it makes keeping the blog going harder. I share so much on Instagram mostly for out of state family we don't get to see AND because I want all the good and bad in my Chatbooks. For a busy mom being able to share a thought and picture and it go straight to the App. 60 pages for $6 and shipped right to your house! Sold! 
So, sorry if you follow me on IG these maybe repeats! 

Friday night was girls night out! My sister was so nice to offer to watch my littles so I could have some fun girl time with the BFF. Hubby is gone for training and that night was much needed! 

Saturday was spent getting outside since the weather was slightly cooler, and both kids refusing naps meant errands were ran with two sleeping babes. 

Sunday we hung out and had a lazy day. Eating, playing, and even a visit from daddy for a quick dinner. 

And now we are chilling out hoping the little mans stomach issues go away quick! Nothing fun about your babes throwing up! 

I'm obsessed with binge watching Netflix, current favorite is One Tree Hill! Anyone have some other recommendations? 


1 comment:

  1. I love chatbooks! I haven't got any yet but I will soon!
