Monday, April 14, 2014

Weekend Recap

A few pictures from our weekend--

Little miss having fun while brother napped! I have been loving the one on one time we've gotten to have with each little lately! Yet having them on different nap schedules makes for a long day at home! 

Bath time shenanigans! Kai loved seeing that he had bubbles on his head and little hands playing with lights. Quinn cracked up turning them off and on. 

Saturday we had breakfast at one of our favorite little restaurants- The Spot! If you're in the Gilbert area you have to try it!! 

Little miss Q having some fun with her yogurt!

Sunday was a simple/ lazy day. A shot of after dinner fun- Quinn was sporting just a diaper (she smelt like ketchup and pickle-leftover from lunch) and Kai was still in his jammies. After dinner settled I made it out to the gym with my sis and niece- late night cardio! Hoping to get in some more fitness and healthy eating! How is everyone trying to get bikini ready? 


1 comment:

  1. Bikini? I gotta find one that fits my gut!
