Saturday, July 26, 2014

For Axel

One of the number one reasons for blogging- Friendships!!
Early on in deciding on the whole blogging thing I met my first blogger friend- Ashley!
She blogs over at That Teeny Tiny Blog and has the cutest little boys. 
She just opened up her own shop For Axel
"just a mom on a mission to spread eczema awareness one necklace at a time."
You can read her story and follow along with her cute family on her blog.

She is the sweetest, most adorable, and helpful young mama. She's given me a lot of tips when it comes to not only blogging, but in reading her posts Im learning how to be a more patient and fun mama to my own littles. 

We recently received our first animal necklace from her shop. I could not be more impressed by the quality in her product. 
I was surprised and excited to see that the clasp is magnetic and completely safe for the littles. Of course she thought of it all. 

My little miss independent loves to clasp it on herself!!

Even Kai loves it!

Ashley was kind enough to do a giveaway to the followers of my blog.
Enter below to win your own Red Lego Raphael. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

For those of you who just cant wait or who are interested in another necklace
use code "LITTLESANDLOVE" until July 31st to get 15% off your entire purchase!!!